Thermal Floral 🌸🌿

Don’t hate me! I know it’s been quiet around here & I seriously suck. It’s been a busy month, & as a result blogging has been a bit paused lately. But I’m trying my best to come back! & I have a bunch of manicures saved up to share!

Today — floral. Yes, again. 🌿🌸 I’m obsessed, what can I say.

The polishes I used for this manicure are: 

  • Base Coat: China Glaze Calcium Gel Fortifer
  • Top Coat: Seche Vive
  • Cadillacquer Nostalgia (Thermal)
  • Sally Hansen I 💗 Nail Art Pen Pink
  • OPI Nature Strong Emflowered
  • Essie Swoon in the Lagoon
  • OPI Nature Strong Make My Daisy
  • Essie Willow in the Wind
  • Sally Hansen I 💗 Nail Art Pen in green
  • OPI Gelato On My Mind
  • Essie All the Wave
  • Sally Hansen I 💗 Nail Art Pen Purple
  • Mermaid Tail 7mm liner brush
  • Dotting Tool Trio

Originally I didn’t plan on painting floral in every finger, but once I started I just kept going & created this cute little garden on my nails. I’m so happy I did, too, because the look is just so Spring-y & fresh. I also love that the base is a thermal, so it changes depending on the temperature of your fingers.

What do you think about this floral design? Is it feel warm & Spring like where you are? Let me know all your thoughts down in the comments below! & tell me what your favourite Spring polish is right now.


2 Replies to “Thermal Floral 🌸🌿”

  1. Good golly miss Shannon – this is PERFECTION on a fingertip! This screams everything I wish I had on my nails right this second, and the thermal is a fun add… and a lovely lovely color as it’s shown above, I might add (is that when it’s “cool” or “warm?”)

    You know, I think I need to get some of those nail art pens for myself after all… I’ll bet they make doing fun designs much more approachable and realistic, without having to get out loads of polishes and paintbrushes!

    Thanks so much for sharing!



    1. Aw you’re so sweet! The dark purple in most of the pictures is the cold version & the lighter blue in the coffee picture is the warm. Most of the time it was warm but it was colder outside the day I took these!

      & I definitely recommend these nail art pens. The ones I’ve been using (for years) are Sally Hansen ones I think that are discontinued but I’ve seen a ton of new brands coming out with them online so check around! I know my Walmart had a bunch a while ago. 💗

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