Holo & Graphic Geometric Lines

Hello lovelies & happy Thursday! It’s a beautiful, warm sunny day & I’m enjoying every second of it. & the sunshine is making me crave a lot of sparkle. ✨

It’s been a while since I rocked some graphic geometric lines, so I pulled out a Quo by Orly striper I recently found at the thrift store (it had never been used — I was pumped!) & I created this geometric look. & I think the black over the lighter blue is so striking — I just love it!

The polishes I used for this manicure are: 

  • Base Coat: China Glaze Calcium Gel Fortifer
  • Top Coat: Seche Vive
  • Essie In The Cab-Ana
  • Color Club Bougie Baby
  • Quo By Orly Striper Black

These almost look like stained glass, but with only one colour. I think they turned out really pretty. I also can’t stop adding glitter — in particular holographic glitter — to all my base colours.

When I do geometric line designs like this, I’m really not particular in what I’m doing — I kind of just go with what I’m feeling. I originally had just line straight lines, but it felt like something was missing so I added the outline around my nail, & it felt like it brought everything together! & surprisingly, it really wasn’t that hard to do at all.

What do you think about this geometric lines design? Are you feeling the sparkly holo & the crisp black lines? Would you wear a design like this? Let me know all your thoughts down in the comments below & what colour you would wear as your base on a design like this!

Enjoy your Thursday! ♥︎

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